

Understanding Data Structures and analyse efficiency and complexity of various algorithms
To showcase real-life applications of data structures in different domains

In the 3-day workshop, participants showed great enthusiasm and actively engaged in the sessions throughout the event.

The workshop provided a comprehensive understanding of data structures and their practical implementation, with participants successfully coding and implementing various data structures using C. The problem-solving skills of participants were significantly enhanced through coding exercises and challenges that required the application of different data structures.

Web Development Workshop

To know the basics of HTML, CSS, and PHP
To have a hands-on session on web development
To have exposure to the DBMS concepts and Backend.

We started our workshop with an introduction to web development, What is web development? Overview of web development technologies (HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.) Introduction to web development tools and platforms (text editors, web browsers, etc.)

Focusing on HTML basics, CSS basics, and building a simple web page, covering DBMS concepts with the XAMP server. Also, Conducting projects which include building their own portfolio using what they have learned in the workshop, Resume building and much more.


To know the basics of Python language
To have an interactive hands-on session
Improving programming skills

The Python Workshop will be very informative and covering few intermediate topics starting with an introduction to Python, control structures, functions, Data structures, and libraries. Conducting multiple projects which depicted the power of Python.

This will help the students be one step ahead. The workshops have fun activities which keep the students active and make the process of learning fun. The Workshop ensures that the taught concepts were crystal clear to the participants.


To have the Basic Functioning of the Microcontroller
Hands-on experience with Arduino UNO
Introduction to Robotics

Beginning with the basics of electronics and microcontrollers, which includes What is a microcontroller? What is Arduino? and Basic Concepts and Terminology. Building a simple circuit using Arduino,

Introduction to sensors and actuators, knowing about communication protocols, and introduction to Robotics with projects.