About Us

  • QWERTY.IO is a community of individuals who share a passion for technology and innovation.
  • The community aims to bridge the gap between students from different years and streams of education.
  • The community brings together like-minded individuals to foster an environment where students can develop their technical expertise.
  • QWERTY.IO provides opportunities for students to expand their network and pursue their passion for technology.


QWERTY.I/O is a student chapter of SDMCET, that aims to add quality to the resume of engineering students by conducting workshops that add skills required in the industry. It is self-motivated students across all departments, who want to learn, share and grow together. The idea behind qwerty was to create a student club for upscaling their technical as well as their personal development skills with the purpose to fuel subjective growth, leadership qualities, and learning opportunities to bridge the gap between industries and college. The main goal is to share our enthusiasm for technology by assisting students to connect with the current growth in the industry. Our club is dedicated to fostering a community of passionate and innovative individuals who are interested in technology.
Even though team members come from diverse backgrounds and fields, we share a common goal of exploring new technologies and advancing our skills and it is led by a team of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about technology and committed to making a difference in our community. We're always looking for new members to join us and help us achieve our goals.

We strive to cultivate in our students the qualities of a Quality Engineer, including a strong sense of professionalism, ethical responsibility, positivity, and adeptness at problem-solving, all the while imparting a balanced combination of techno-managerial skills.

Our Inspiration

Anant Hegade

Software Developer, Radisys

2018 - 2022


SDE, Vrize India

2018 - 2022

Mohammad Usman

Software Engineer, Nextuple Inc

2018 - 2022

Yogesh Mishra

Associate Software Engineer, Nextuple Inc

2019 - 2023

Students Review

Our objective is to help students tap into the current advancements in the industry by sharing our passion for technology and to equip students with technical knowledge that is relevant to the industry so that they can smoothly transition from college to a professional setting.